Work abroad for doctors

The process of employment of doctors abroad: Support of the Ukrainian Medical Council

The profession of a doctor in Ukraine is constantly undergoing changes and development, and some medical specialists choose the opportunity to work abroad. In such situations, there is a need for advice and support regarding employment. The Ukrainian Medical Council (UMR) acts as an organization that provides assistance and advice to doctors who plan to work abroad.

The role of the Ukrainian Medical Council in the employment of doctors abroad:

    • UMR provides support to doctors who choose to work abroad in the form of consultations and informational support.
    • They provide general information about the procedures, requirements and regulations related to employment in different countries.
    • UMR can provide assistance in solving issues related to licensing, re-certification and other requirements that may arise during employment.

Consultations and support:

    • Doctors interested in employment abroad can contact the Ukrainian Medical Council for advice and detailed information.
    • UMR provides guidance and advice on requirements, procedures and employment opportunities in different countries.
    • They can provide assistance in preparing the necessary documents and procedures that must be followed for employment

Support in different countries

    • Australia
    • Australian territories
    • Austria
    • Argentina
    • The Bahamas
    • Bahrain
    • Belgium
    • Botswana
    • Brazil
    • United Kingdom
    • Vietnam
    • Greece
    • Georgia
    • Denmark
    • Ecuador
    • Estonia
    • India
    • Indonesia
    • Iraq
    • Iran
    • Ireland
    • Spain
    • Jordan
    • Kazakhstan
    • Cayman Islands
    • Canada
    • Caribbean islands
    • Line up
    • Kenya
    • Colombia
    • Costa Rica
    • Cuba
    • Kuwait
    • Latvia
    • Liberia
    • Lithuania
    • Lebanon
    • Mauritius
    • Malawi
    • Malaysia
    • Maldives
    • Malta
    • Mexico
    • Micronesia
    • Namibia
    • Nigeria
    • Netherlands
    • New Zealand
    • Norway
    • United Arab Emirates (UAE)
    • Oman
    • Peru
    • Pakistan
    • South Africa (South Africa)
    • Poland
    • Saudi Arabia
    • Seychelles Islands
    • Slovakia
    • Surinam
    • USA
    • Thailand
    • Tanzania
    • Trinidad and Tobago
    • Turkey
    • Uzbekistan
    • Fiji
    • Finland
    • France
    • Switzerland
    • Sweden
    • Japan

Please note that this list may not be exhaustive and only includes the countries mentioned in your query.

The Ukrainian Medical Council plays an important role in the support and consultation of doctors who intend to work abroad. Their consultations and informational support help to ensure successful employment and fulfill the necessary requirements in different countries. Choosing to work abroad is an important step for doctors, and having support from the Ukrainian Medical Council allows them to get the necessary information and confidence in the process of realizing their career goals.

It is recommended that you contact us for more detailed information on the countries you are interested in.