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General courses


General courses of the English and German languages without medical specialization will be a perfect choice for those students who would like to speak a foreign language in any situation. These courses will be a wonderful base for our examination and specialized courses and provide students with an excellent opportunity to come to know the culture and life of the English-speaking and German-speaking countries. Both courses are aimed at the practical and comprehensive language acquisition and overcoming the psychological and linguistic barriers within the communication.

General language courses involve the formation and mastering of all language skills, namely conversational speech, listening and understanding, reading and writing. Specially designed programs and textbooks will allow everyone to see their progress and maintain a continuing interest in learning languages.

We offer courses in two formats: group and individual. In the first case, you may contact our administrator and receive information on places availability. Than you may enter a trial testing that will determine your skills and knowledge. In the second case, students receive teacher who after a personal conversation and the first introductory lesson will develop a unique program, which will help to pull weaknesses and reinforce passed material.

The program uses authoritative textbooks of such publishers as Oxford, Cambridge, Pearson, Longman and others. Our methodologists and teachers have also collected and developed a large number of additional materials that will allow accessing living and modern language and immersing into the culture of the country which language you are studying. Throughout the study period, students pass tests that allow us to track their progress and identify areas of further development.

obs42Coming to us, you can begin your study at any level, namely:


  • Elementary (А1)
  • Pre-Intermediate (А2)
  • Intermediate (В1)
  • Upper-Intermediate (В2)
  • Advanced (С1-2)

After successful completion of our courses, students improve their communication skills, possess necessary techniques to conduct a conversation, enrich their vocabulary and obtain fundamental knowledge of English or German grammar. Come to us and we will be happy to teach you and introduce the culture of other countries.

Cost and schedule of classes of general language courses (English or German)

Number of students

Number of academic hours* Schedule

Mode of study

Group (from 3 persons) 40 ac./hours Three time per week (Mon-Wed-Fri)

Two times per week (Tue-Thu)

At our office
Pair  (2 persons) 40 ac./hours Determined individually At our office
Individually (1 person) Determined individually Determined individually At our office /remotely

*1 academic hour = 45 minutes