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Clinical Residency


Clinical residency is the highest form of improvement of medical qualification of physician-specialists in the higher medical educational institutions of III-IV levels of accreditation, educational organizations and clinical research institutions, centers (hereinafter – research institutions).

Clinical residency allows obtaining higher qualification of physician based on previous university education and establishments of postgraduate education or gained equal experience of a specialist in a particular field.

The main aim of the clinical residency is to provide professional knowledge and improve medical skills of specialists in order to prepare highly qualified physician for independent work in health care field.

Training in clinical residency carried out in form of day release. Duration of study for the citizens of Ukraine comprises two years; starting date of study is September 01.

The duration of study at clinical residency for foreigners may be extended for 1-2 years with the approval of the Ministry of Health. Starting date of study at the clinical residency is stipulated in the terms of agreement.

Rules for Admission

Citizens of Ukraine, who have the education and qualification level of specialist-physician and practical working experience in the specialty of at least three years after the internship or specialization, which corresponds to specialty of clinical residency, may be admitted to clinical residency on competitive basis. Physicians without necessary working experience, who have successfully complete the internship and were recommended by the Academic Council of the higher educational establishment or institution of postgraduate education, may also be admitted to clinical residency.

The foreigners may be admitted to clinical residency after graduating of the higher educational establishment and obtaining the professional qualification of physician, due to permission of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

According to the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 38 dated 20.01.1997 “On approval of list of paid services provided by the state educational establishments”, Ukrainian citizens may be admitted to clinical residency to additional places on the terms of agreements at the expense of sectoral ministries, departments, local budgets, legal entities and individuals, providing full compensation for training cost of clinical intern.

Foreigners study at the clinical residency of the university based on agreements between the university and legal entity or individual and provide the full return of costs for training cost of clinical intern.

Submission of documents for entry at the clinical residency is usually held from May 25 to June 25 each year.

Physicians who wish to enter the clinical residency shall submit the following documents:

  1. application;
  2. personnel record card;
  3. copy of diploma on higher medical education and certificate of physician qualification; copy of certificate of medical qualification of certain specialization;
  4. extract from the work book;
  5. list of published scientific works and inventions (if any).
  6. extract from the report of the meeting of the Academic Council of higher educational establishment or institution of postgraduate education with the recommendation for study at the clinical residency (for individuals entering the clinical residency without the required experience in the specialty).Admission of documents is provided by the Scientific Department of the university.Everyone who wants to enter the clinical residency shall be interviewed by the members of the Admission Board and pass the relevant exams, in the course of which specialists determine his/her knowledge and skills in medical specialty and professional level.

Training of clinical residents

ko2Along with admission to clinical residency, each physician obtains a supervisor who is appointed by the Rector of university. Usually it is a doctor (candidate) or professor (associate professor), who works at the department where physician is studying.

Preparation of clinical residents is carried out under the supervision of highly qualified specialists according to the individual plan, which has been developed by the head of the Department on the basis of the Model Plan, taking into account peculiarities of further work of the clinical resident. Individual Education Plan of clinical resident shall be approved not later than one month after the date of enrollment to the clinical residency.

Physicians studying at the clinical residency are required to improve their professional knowledge and acquire skills of independent scientific and practical research of relevant specialty.

Physicians entering the clinical residency after internship and completing training courses are directed by their higher educational establishments (academic organization) to health departments of regional state administrations and are obliged to work in public health institutions at least two years.

Physicians who have more than three years of working experience in the specialty after completing of internship and who have been admitted to the clinical residency due to the state order on the basis of competition, do not use the right of young specialists and shall find a job on their own after the graduation.

According to the Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 136 dated 26.02.1993 “On training of foreign citizens in Ukraine”, the cost of study at the clinical residency for foreigners shall be the equivalent to $ 4,000 per academic year (in local currency)

Available specialties

Specialties of physician in clinical residency shall correspond to the Nomenclature of medical specialties, which was approved by the decree of the Ministry of Health No. 333 dated July 6, 2005 and registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.

Primary Specialties

  1. Obstetrics and gynecology;
  2. Anesthesiology and intensive care;
  3. Internal disasters;
  4. Common hygiene;
  5. Common practice ― family medicine;
  6. Epidemiology;
  7. Infections disasters;
  8. Clinical pathology;
  9. Clinical oncology;
  10. Medicine of emergency;
  11. Neurology;
  12. Orthopedy and traumatology;
  13. Pathoanatomy;
  14. Pediatrics;
  15. Psychiatry;
  16. Pulmonology and phthisiatry;
  17. Radiology;
  18. Dentistry;
  19. Forensic medicine;

Secondary Specialties

  1. Allergology and immunology;
  2. Gastroenterology;
  3. Hematology;
  4. Genetic medicine;
  5. Geriatrics;
  6. Occupational hygiene;
  7. Food hygiene;
  8. Hygienic laboratory diagnostics;
  9. Disinfections specialty;
  10. Dermatovenerology;
  11. Child neurology;
  12. Child orthopedy and traumatology;
  13. Child surgery;
  14. Endocrinology;
  15. Cardiology;
  16. Cardiothoracic surgery;
  17. Combustiology;
  18. Physical therapy and sport medicine;
  19. Medical psychology;
  20. Microbiology and virology;
  21. Narcology;
  22. Neurosurgery;
  23. Neonatology;
  24. Nephrology;
  25. Oncological surgery;
  26. The organization and management of health protection (management at healthcare);
  27. Otolaryngology;
  28. Ophthalmology;
  29. Proctology;
  30. X-ray therapy;
  31. Occupational pathology;
  32. Radiological hygiene;
  33. Rheumatology;
  34. Reconstruction and plastic surgery;
  35. X-ray radiography and angiographic surgery;
  36. Sexual pathology;
  37. Vascular surgery;
  38. Forensic psychiatric examination;
  39. Transplantology;
  40. Toxicology;
  41. Urology;
  42. Physiotherapy, balneology and medical rehabilitation;
  43. Dental surgery.