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International training course for ophthalmologists

Dear colleagues,

we would like to invite you to participate in international training course for ophthalmologists from ESASO. 

Vinnitsa National University N.I.Pirogov in May 2019, has the honor to accept in University the participants of the European School of Advanced Studies in Ophthalmology


Practicing ophthalmologists, teachers of the department of eye diseases of higher educational units, clinical residents and postgraduate students are invited to participate.


ESASO (European School for Advanced Studies in Ophthalmology,

European School of Advanced Studies in Ophthalmology) was established at the University of Lugano Learning Center (Switzerland) in 2008 to launch education and trainings for ophthalmologists based on the experience of peer professionals from all of the world.

ESASO branches in Europe are represented in Italy, Poland, Slovenia, since 2010 year there is a  campus in Asia.

On May 13-17,  2019 will start the module “Cornea and Corneal Refractive Surgery”. The most famous ophthalmologist will as a lecturers on this course.

The registration for the course has been open on January 14, 2019 on the official ESASO website    

The official teaching language of the module is English.

The ESASO activity is aimed to promote the distribution of new and effective ophthalmologic education. ESASO offers both theoretical and practical education.

The curriculum in Ukraine is compiled with the participation of a team of experts with recognized clinical and teaching experience (the course coordinator is Jose L. Guell).

Your work in the ESASO project will provide you with the opportunity to participate in 5-days intensive ophthalmology course, both practical and theoretical. You will get an excellent experience of social interaction and teamwork skills, as the course is international. Upon completion, you will receive the international certificate with credits. Other benefits of participation in this project is an excellent opportunity to visit Ukraine!

Additional information in terms of  ESASO course organization details in Ukraine (tuition fee, lodging, etc), please visit  or contact  the project coordinator Ukraine – Head of Eye Diseases Deparment at Vinnytsia National Pyrogov Medical Memorial University – Nataliia Malachkova by phone (067) 452-75-40 (WhatsApp, Viber) or email at  .


Preliminary programme: